Information Sharing

Length of training: 3 hours 

This workshop will explore the topic of Information sharing.  Specifically three areas will be covered:

  • What happens if a child in your care is absent or missing

  • What does confidentiality mean when providing day to day care

  • Social Media - the dos and do nots

This Information session will explore with participants what the provisions of the act regarding Confidentiality means in terms of providing day to day care for carers.  Surveys continue to provide us information that carers are not receiving the information they need in order to provide safe and appropriate care to children in care and other children they may be caring for.  So what information should you be getting access to and how can you advocate for this information - who should you then be able to share this information with.

This session will also explore the complicated world of Social Media and provide some very clear guidelines from Child Safety as to what you can and cannot do as a carer in relation to Social media when caring for a child in care