Stakeholder service charter

Our Vision

Queensland Foster and Kinship Care Inc.'s (QFKC) goal is to build strong communities by working collaboratively to attain quality Foster and Kinship Care for children and young people. This is achieved through the provision of Support, Advice and Advocacy to Foster, Kinship and Provisional Carers and their families. Through these services QFKC achieves its vision to:

 ‘Leave No Child in Foster Care Behind’

QFKC works in partnership with all levels of government, funded services, communities and individuals to identify needs and find solutions. 

Our Values

The core values on which the culture of Queensland Foster and Kinship Care is based are those of:

  • Stakeholder Service

  • Integrity 

  • Respect

  • Collaboration

  • Learning

  • Client Focus

These values ensure responsive and accountable service to the Foster and Kinship Carers of Queensland.

Our Aim

The Queensland Foster and Kinship Care Inc. Stakeholder Service Charter provides an outline of the level of service individuals can expect when accessing our services.


Stakeholder: means approved Foster Carers, Kinship Carers, Provisionally Approved Carers, person/s, group/s or organisation/s that have an interest or concern in QFKC.  

What you can expect from us:

Quality responsive services

We will attend to you as quickly as we are able. This means that:

  • we will answer the phone promptly

  • if the person you talk to cannot answer your enquiry, they will put you in touch with someone who can give you an appropriate response

  • we will respond to all your letters and emails

  • if you lodge a complaint, we will endeavour to work with you to understand and address your concerns. Please see the contact details below should you wish to lodge a complaint.

Courtesy and respect

We will treat you with courtesy and respect.

Fair and equal services

Our staff are aware of the cultural diversity of our communities. We will provide services in a fair and equitable way.


You will receive up-to-date and accurate information. Whenever possible, our staff will explain the decision-making processes as they impact on you. If we cannot assist you, we will do our best to refer you to someone who can if and when we are able to.


We will treat your personal and confidential information with sensitivity. We will collect, store and use your personal and confidential information responsibly. Please note that in some circumstances, we may be required to release your information without your consent.

How you can assist us:

Tell us your needs

Help us to understand your needs so that we can give you the best possible service. You can do this by talking with our staff and participating in the consultation activities we conduct. We will listen to you.

Tell us if things change for you

Please tell us if there are changes we should know about, for example, changes to your contact details or circumstances.

Your Concerns, Complaints and Compliments

QFKC values our relationships with Stakeholders and aims to resolve complaints and disputes to the satisfaction of our stakeholders. We welcome feedback and suggestions about the Charter or any aspects of the service.

If something happens that you like or do not like about our service, please let us know. We want to ensure your issues are heard. You can tell us in a way that suits you:

  • Talk to a Staff member or Manager

  • Complete and submit the online form

  • Contact us online at admin@qfkc.com.au

  • Call us on 07 3256 6166 (9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday)

  • Write to us at:
     Queensland Foster and Kinship Care
     7/10 Depot Street, Banyo  Qld  4014

Other avenues for review of complaints

If you are not satisfied with the way in which a complaint has been dealt with, there may be other avenues for your complaint to be reviewed

Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs

Central Complaints Team

Phone: 1800 080 464 or for online feedback contact:

Child Safety Feedback and Complaints Unit