Become a Carer
In Queensland, we have approximately 5200 foster and kinship carers from all walks of life, however, we always need more.
Carers can come from diverse cultural backgrounds and can be male, female, single, married or de facto, same sex couples and working either full or part time. If you are committed to providing a safe, stable, and supportive environment, you could be a carer too.
If you think your care could make the difference in a young person's life, we have the support and advice to help you - and some simple ways to get started.
Learn more about foster and kinship care at www.qld.gov.au/fostercare or call us on 1300 550 877.
Attend a Q&A session
QFKC provide an opportunity for members of the public thinking about becoming a foster carer to link into a team’s Q&A session that takes place once a fortnight on a Tuesday from 12-1pm. If you would like to attend the session to ask any questions you may have about becoming a foster carer please email recruitment@qfkc.com.au and request the link.
What is Foster Care?
Foster and kinship care are forms of family-based care for children and young people who can’t live at home because they have experienced sexual, physical or emotional abuse or neglect, are at risk of experiencing one of these forms of harm, or cannot live at home for other reasons.
Care can be provided from a few nights to a few months or a few years (i.e. until the child turns 18). Carers may also provide emergency care for children or provide short breaks to other foster or kinship carers.
Foster and kinship care is not ‘one size fits all’. Children have different needs and require different types of care. Carers may have or develop special skills or preferences that will influence the type of care they provide.
Where possible, children are reunited with their families as soon as possible. Carers assist this process through a commitment to maintain ongoing relationships between children and their families.