National Redress Scheme
The National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) helps people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse gain access to counselling, a direct personal response, and a Redress payment. You may be eligible for Redress if you experienced sexual abuse as a child (under the age of 18) before 1 July 2018 at an organisation like a school, foster care home, residential care service, school, youth detention centre or a church.
You have to be 18, before 20 June 2028, to apply to the Scheme. Free, confidential Redress Support Services can answer your questions and have counsellors available to assist and support you. You can also call the Blue Knot Foundation on 1300 657 380 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. The knowmore legal service can assist you with free legal advice on 1800 605 762. We want you to know, you are not responsible for what happened to you and you are not alone. Applying for the Scheme could be a positive step to overcoming what happened to you and to assist with healing.
More information can be found on the National Redress Scheme website.